5 Things Actors Can Do When Auditions Dry Up

mindset matters resume thriving auditions up-leveling acting journey
A bored actor waiting for the phone to ring during slow times.



Ever find yourself staring at your phone, waiting for that next cMAIL audition notification? Slow times in an acting career can feel like a curse, but they don’t have to be. Instead of letting the  slow times drag you down, why not flip the script and turn it into a period of growth and fun? 

There is certainly benefit in taking a true break and getting some r&r which sometimes helps actors come back even stronger.  BUT, that doesn’t mean you should allow yourself to get rusty or get down in the dumps.  No fun!  😉

Many actors take advantage of slower periods to make sure their marketing materials are up to par and competitive, strengthen their acting muscles and add to their skill set.

Below are 5 things actors can do during dry spells to keep you productive and motivated to make sure you’re firing on all cylinders when it comes time to shine:



1- Double check that all resume updates have been made across all of your profiles (iMDB, Actors Access, Casting Networks, Casting Frontier, Backstage, i-actor etc…) and don’t forget your hardcopy too.  Oftentimes actors will add/revise their resumes but forget to make adjustments on “all” of their profiles out there.  Double check your physical stats too, weight, height etc… any changes should be modified.  Check this out for tips on RESUME FORMAT and RESUME TIPS: 6 Easy Tweaks That Pop


2- Refresh your clips and/or demo reels - take a look at your current marketing videos to make sure you’re showcasing your strongest work as well as possible different emotions and types.  If all of your current footage is only showing one type (ex. compassionate mom roles), think about what can you add to your current package that might be missing to help market you in other lights (ex. sharp business woman).  Actors are adding scenes and/or monologue clips filmed in the same format as selftape auditions to their online profiles.  If you choose material from a very recognizable source I recommend changing the character names so that you’re still able to showcase your talent and range, but without the viewer automatically comparing your performance to that of the original actor.  


3- Time to update headshots?  Ask your reps beforehand if there are any particular looks that they’ve wished they had a photo of for you when submitting you.  Prior to your photography session put together a lookbook of the vibe of each look you’re planning to shoot.  This helps them help you - the photographer and makeup/hair stylist will have a better understanding of what exactly you’re aiming for.  You certainly don’t want three-four different looks that are basically just you in a different outfit.  You should be bringing a different essence to each look (and possibly different hair style if applicable). 


  • If you’ve changed your appearance drastically (examples: have you dyed your hair a different color, has your weight drastically changed from your last pics,  or have you perhaps shaved your head completely etc…) then you need new headshots.  Your pics should represent you now…how you look today (not ten years ago).
  • If your look hasn't necessarily changed but you feel like your current shots aren’t getting you much traction, perhaps it’s time for fresh new pics.  Maybe try a different photographer (agents and managers often have their favorites, ask for their recommendations).


4- Sign up for a group acting class or take up a new special skill you’d like to master.  There’s always more to learn…  Actorsite has been a staple in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles educating kid, teen, and adult actors for over 25 years.  Check out group classes here!


5- Set up a session with a trusted industry professional or private coach for a CAREER CONSULTATION to see what steps you can take that might help you up-level.   AND/OR book some PRIVATE TRAINING sessions to work on refreshing important acting elements and fundamentals to keep your muscles moving and growing.



Sometimes, slow times can feel like a drought in your acting career. But think of it as a chance to strategize and lay the groundwork for an even brighter future.


Remember, each moment spent planning, updating your actor package portfolio, or expanding on and tightening your skills is a step closer to that dream role. So embrace the lull, keep the momentum, and let every second be a powerful investment in your acting career. Stay proactive, stay positive, and most importantly STAY READY SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO GET READY!


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