starting acting journey the biz side of showbiz
A wolf in sheep's clothing holding YOUR hard earned money in front of movie filming cameras and the famed Hollywood sign.

WATCH OUT for Hollywood wolves in sheep's clothing!

An actor reached out to me recently and setup a coaching session to help him prepare for an upcoming callback for a huge movie that had some A-list star names attached. Let’s say this actor was named Henry ( wasn’t Henry πŸ˜‰). 

Henry had sent in a selftape for the initial audition and received an email directly from the producer that they were “thrilled” with his performance and would like to setup an in-person callback for a small supporting role. Henry is based on the east coast, the callback was to take place in Los Angeles three weeks later.  Is your mind already spinning a web of this sad Hollywood tale? πŸ•ΈοΈπŸ•·οΈπŸ•ΈοΈ  


We’ll get back to Henry’s story in one second…


For actors in the competitive world of Hollywood and the entertainment industry as a whole regardless of what market you are located in, navigating the industry can be exhilarating but also filled with challenges and pitfalls. You're excited to pursue your dreams on the big screen, but NEED to beware of the predators.  There are wolves in sheep's clothing out there who will try to take advantage of your enthusiasm and naivety.


Imagine this: You've finally got your actor package together to dazzle and are ready to start conquering auditions to make your mark in showbiz. You attend a workshop promising to skyrocket your career, only to discover it's a scam preying on vulnerable newcomers. It's a stark reminder that the entertainment industry is not always as glamorous as it seems.


Back to Henry’s story...  As he and I discussed this seemingly awesome opportunity red flags started popping up for me.  Among other things the email had some vague wording and mentioned something like, “we’ll arrange for a flight for you and get your credit card info for that…we’ll reimburse you afterward”.  YIKES! RED ALERT - RED ALERT!!!

Scams targeting aspiring actors are unfortunately common, with deceitful individuals looking to make a quick buck at the expense of your aspirations. But fear not, with awareness and the right knowledge, you can arm yourself against these unscrupulous schemes and protect your budding career.


Below, I'll delve into essential tips and insights to help you navigate the acting world safely and smartly. From recognizing red flags to safeguarding your professional journey, empowering yourself with knowledge is the key to sidestepping potential scams and staying focused on your path to success. So, buckle up, aspiring star, and let's get you equipped to shine without falling into the trap of deceitful practices.



Scams targeting aspiring actors are prevalent in the entertainment industry, preying on the dreams of those eager to make it big in Hollywood (however, scams happen not just in Los Angeles, but all over the globe). Understanding the common types of acting scams can help YOU navigate the industry with caution and protect yourself from deceitful practices.



  1. Pay-to-Play Auditions: In this scam, aspiring actors are asked to pay a fee to audition for a role. Legitimate auditions should not require you to pay money upfront (or ever) to be considered. Remember, your talent and skills should speak for themselves, not your wallet.


  1. Fake Talent Agencies: These “supposed” agencies may promise to represent you and secure auditions for you for a fee. However the fact is, genuine talent agencies earn ONLY through commissions from the work they secure for actors, not by charging fees upfront.  And, they don’t get their commission until you get paid from production. Be wary of agencies asking for payment before landing you a job.   


  1. Pyramid Schemes in Acting Workshops/Schools: Some workshops or training programs disguise themselves as opportunities for actors to enhance their skills but operate as pyramid schemes. They may pressure you to recruit more actors to join and then they profit from more enrollment fees. Referring actor friends is totally fine...but not if you're feeling coerced or pressured to do so.


  1. Photography Cut Backs: Some unscrupulous agents will tell you that they’ll sign you on as a client IF you setup and pay for a (probably very expensive) headshot photography session with a photographer of their choosing first. They are typically getting a big fat cut back (a percentage of what you paid the photographer).  There is certainly nothing wrong with a legitimate agent referring you to their favorite photographers, but ultimately who you shoot with should be up to you, and certainly NOT a determining factor on if an agent or manager will represent you or not.  


Being aware of these common acting scams can help you protect yourself and your acting career. Stay vigilant, trust your instincts, and remember that the right opportunities will not require you to compromise your integrity or financial security.


When navigating the acting industry, it's essential to be aware of red flags that could indicate a potential scam. By keeping an eye out for these warning signs, you can protect yourself and your career aspirations. Here are some critical red flags to watch out for:

  • UPFRONT FEES FOR AUDITIONS: If you encounter opportunities that require you to pay upfront fees for auditions or casting calls, proceed with caution. Legitimate casting processes DO NOT involve monetary transactions. Be wary of ANY requests for payment before securing a role.

  • PROMISES OF GUARANTEED STARDOM: Beware of agencies or individuals who promise guaranteed stardom or overnight success. Success in the entertainment industry is the result of hard work, dedication, training and talent. Unrealistic promises of instant fame are often a red flag for potential scams.

  • VAGUE OPERATIONAL DETAILS: When engaging with acting opportunities or agencies, pay attention to the clarity and transparency of operational details. Legitimate organizations will provide clear information about their services, fees, and processes. Vague or evasive responses to your questions could indicate dishonesty.

  • HIGH-PRESSURE TACTICS: Scammers may use high-pressure tactics to coerce aspiring actors into making immediate decisions. If you feel rushed or pressured to sign contracts or commit to expensive services without adequate time for consideration or research first, take a step back. Authentic opportunities allow for thoughtful decision-making.  Don’t sign any contract before fully reading all of it, including the fine print (definitely worth having a lawyer read over any legal contracts first).

Being aware of these red flags can help you navigate the acting industry with confidence and protect yourself from potential scams. Remember to trust your instincts and conduct thorough research before committing to any opportunities, classes, coaches, or any type of "acting" services. By staying informed and vigilant, you can pursue your acting dreams with resilience and caution.



If you've been a victim of a scam as an actor, it's crucial to report the incident to the relevant authorities immediately. While recovering lost money from scams can be challenging, by documenting all communications and transactions related to the scam, and keeping any receipts/invoices, you may have a better chance of seeking legal recourse or obtaining assistance from consumer protection agencies.


If you come across a suspicious or potentially fraudulent opportunity in the acting industry, it's essential to report it to the appropriate authorities. By reporting scams, you not only protect yourself but also help prevent other actors from falling victim to similar schemes. Stay informed and share information to promote industry transparency.




When embarking on your acting journey, it's crucial to conduct thorough research before engaging with any opportunities that come your way. Start by checking reviews and testimonials from other actors to gauge the legitimacy of offers, acting classes, photographers, acting coaches, agents/managers. Look out for red flags such as promises of overnight success or guarantees that sound too good to be true.

Consider verifying the credentials of individuals or organizations by reaching out to industry professionals or organizations for validation. Trust your gut instincts; if something feels off or overly pushy, it's okay to walk away. 


Breaking into the world of acting can be challenging but incredibly rewarding. For ALL actors it's essential to have a solid foundation and a clear strategy to navigate the competitive industry.  

Success doesn’t happen overnight and takes a lot of hard work and dedication.


You’ve learned some ways to navigate the tricky waters of the acting industry without falling victim to scams. Remember, as an actor, your journey is yours to own, protect, and nurture. Stay vigilant, trust your instincts, and always do your research before committing to any opportunity. 

So, go forth with confidence, armed with the knowledge to spot red flags and the wisdom to make informed decisions. Your dream of being a working actor can be within reach - with a mix of talent, hard work & determination, and a dash of caution, you're bound to shine on the stage and screen. Don't let the fear of scams dim your light. 


But don’t forget…if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t for you!


Just starting out and need a clear career strategy to move forward? Check out info for Career Consultations and/or check out this blog post  "The Perfect Actor's Resume: Examples to Nail Your first Impression".

Currently auditioning and want to benefit from coaching to help make your selftapes shine? Check out info on Audition Coaching or On-Going Private Training.  

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